Our functional contact manager will be your best tool when personalising and organising your contact list. The software keeps all participants and subjects in the memory, so you won’t lose anything.
Our functional contact manager will be your best tool when personalising and organising your contact list. The software keeps all participants and subjects in the memory, so you won’t lose anything.
EverDesk allows you to easily navigate through your contacts. You can personalize your contact list and organize it in the most convenient way.
Context sensitivity and quick board simplifies communication and file exchange - there's no need to keep the subjects or participants of every conversation in your memory, EverDesk will keep them for you!
In EverDesk, your contact list is never more than a mouse-click away and for the most part, it's a lot closer than that. While viewing mail or files, a single click opens your complete address book for browsing or editing. What's more, by simply holding your cursor over any contact name - within a message or a file or a QuickBoard shortcut - its main underlying contact data will pop into view.
Naturally, contacts can be organized into any number of Groups, as you choose, but that's only the beginning. With EverDesk, you can edit a Group's list of names for use with a single message. No permanent change gets made to the Group itself.
And now, to forward a message or file (as attachment) to someone on this list, you need only drop that message or file onto their name. Or, you can easily search for all mails and documents related to this contact.
Contact lists have never been closer at hand or easier to work with.
EverDesk provides context sensitive contacts functionality. No need to look for the contact by browsing your whole address book anymore - the Folder Contacts Filter Tab provides a list of people with whom you communicated on the particular subject and the New Message Window includes a quick list of activity specific Folder Contacts that can be selected for addressing purposes.
Contacts in particular take on special functionality when placed on the QuickBoard. Mousing over a contact shortcut provides and an instant mouseover preview of all relevant contact information. Clicking on a contact shortcut on the QuickBoard instantly opens a new message that is automatically addressed to that contact. And dropping a file on a contact automatically adds that file as an attachment to a new message to that contact.
It all amounts to less clicking, more efficiency.
If you are using EverDesk - then you are in full control of your contacts - create as many separate address books and organize your contacts to better fit your activities. You may have a separate address book for work contacts, for personal contacts or for any other purpose.